Picture Makeup Day

Picture Makeup Day
11/4/2020, 9:00 AM 1:00 PM

This is for makeups, not retakes. If you were not able to come to your scheduled picture day, this is your last opportunity. Please come to Gate C (gate by Leighdership room) sometime during the 9a-1p window on November 4th. Wear a mask. Follow social distancing cones when in line. Process takes about 10 minutes. You will exit gate C as well. If you are driven, families can wait in the parking lot. You will receive your student ID on site. There are no ASB IDs this year, so everyone receives a standard student ID card. Seniors, you can come to get your ID card, but be sure you understand that Senior portraits are completely different, and you need to call Now and Forever to schedule those sessions (December 11th is the last day they can schedule a session-all info is in the daily announcements and on the senior page on the Leigh website---please check there). Any questions, please email Mr. Roe aroe@cuhsd.org.   

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