Rapid Antigen Testing
- What
- Rapid Antigen Testing
- When
- 1/13/2022, 7:30 AM – 10:45 AM
- Where
- Prospect High School Building B near Rm. 27
CUHSD staff and students can opt-in to rapid antigen testing at their school sites through Primary Health and the Abbot BinaxNOW test. Results of these tests are available in as little as 15 minutes. Symptomatic individuals with loss of taste or smell who test negative on a rapid antigen test must still take a confirmatory PCR test and must remain in isolation until that confirmatory PCR result is returned. If you would like to participate, you must complete: For more information, see the Abbott BinaxNOW Fact Sheet for Patients. ** Pruebas rápidas (10-15 minutos) están disponibles ahora.
Estudiantes - registrarse en línea aquí para pruebas rápidas y aquí para pruebas regulares.