Boynton High School Participating in Pro-Com Athletic League for the First Time

Boynton High School is participating in the Pro-Com Athletic League for the first time this school year. The co-ed league, which started in 2006, was developed by Santa Clara County Juvenile Probation and the Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) with an additional partnership with the City of San Jose. These groups were dedicated to providing positive, pro-social activities that teach teamwork and responsibility. Additionally, these activities assist in developing confidence, building self-esteem, and teaching sportsmanship. The league consists of youth who attend probation, community or continuation schools, which typically do not provide extracurricular activities.

So far this year, Boynton High School participated in a softball tournament and flag football, in which the school and students earned numerous awards including:

  • 3rd place at the softball tournament
  • Paige Estes-Stanton:softball tournament MVP
  • Pedro Diaz: softball tournament Sportsmanship Award
  • 3rd place for flag football season
  • Ernesto Guizar: flag football season MVP
  • Ismael Espericueta: flag football season Most Improved Player
  • Danilo Meza: flag football season Sportsmanship Award


“This has been a great opportunity for all of our students,” said Boynton High School Principal Sarah Thomas.

“It has created community and school pride as well as sparked motivation for many. I look forward to our students continuing to have opportunities like this.“