Given the evolving public health situation related to the COVID-19 Coronavirus, we remain committed to keeping you informed of the latest guidance, information and recommended steps by the County of Santa Clara Public Health Department.
The following information is the latest guidance from the County of Santa Clara Public Health Department and the Santa Clara County Office of Education on school closures, events and travel/field trips. We understand these recommendations may interfere with the events or plans made months ago, but as this situation evolves, we must comply with the latest guidance from our Public Health Department to not only protect the health and safety of students and staff, but their families as well.
Guidance on School Closures
At this time, the Public Health Department is not recommending the closure of schools. Currently, Public Health Officials have determined the impact of closing a school outweighs any potential benefits. Closing schools would be a last resort option and would only be determined with great care, transparency and in partnership with Public Health and the Santa Clara County Office of Education.
If a staff member or student in a specific school is confirmed to have COVID-19, the Public Health Department will consider, based on the specific facts and circumstances of that case, whether closure of that school is warranted.
Guidance on Events and Large Gatherings
Based on guidance from the Public Health Department, our District may cancel, postpone, or alter school events and field trips; District administration makes this determination on a case-by-case basis using the criteria provided by the Public Health Department, which are as follows:
- The size of the gathering
- The geographic and age mix of individuals
- The ability of individuals at events to remain at an arms-length distance from each other
- The duration of the event
More specific information regarding events is listed in the table below.
Latest Guidance from the Public Health Department
As new guidance and information become available from the Public Health Department, this table will be updated.