Participate in Shaping Our District’s Goals Participate in our ThoughtExchange



Participate in Shaping Our District’s Goals
Participate in our ThoughtExchange 


Dear CUHSD Community,


As we head into the final stretch of the school year, planning for the 2022-2023 school year is also underway. We are committed to helping students succeed in their educational journey by addressing the educational and socio-emotional needs of our students, families, and staff. 


Each year, the district reviews and updates its Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP), which describes how the district will provide an educational program that best fits the needs of our students. It is a priority for us to gather input from our full community on our spending priorities for the plan. The LCAP focuses on supporting students with additional needs, including low-income students, emerging multilingual/English learners, foster students, and homeless youth. It is critical we provide students in these categories with the targeted support they need to thrive.


Based on our current plan, we are investing in the following priorities: 

  • Mental health services, including staff training, Spanish-bilingual CASSY counselors, and increasing the number of social workers
  • Campus safety resources, including training on restorative justice discipline practices and providing campus supervisors at each site
  • Ensuring healthy communities, including providing COVID-19 testing and personal protective equipment
  • Student learning supports, including bilingual classroom aides and credit recovery options throughout the school year and during summer
  • Providing rigorous and culturally relevant instruction and curricular materials
  • Teacher and staff professional development, especially to support emerging multilingual/English learners and students with an individualized educational plan (IEP)
  • Equitable access to technology, including Chromebooks and Wi-Fi
  • Providing families with a choice to participate in our Virtual Learning Academy based on the needs of their student

Provide your input on the process and participate in this ThoughtExchange by April 20th.

We urge you to be specific when answering. If your comment is specific to your school, please include the school’s name.


You can enter thoughts at your own pace, and we encourage you to come back often to review and rate the thoughts of others. 


Campbell Union High School District
3235 Union Avenue | San Jose, CA 95124
