Annual Data Confirmation

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Parents/guardians update their emergency contact information and review school documents each summer.
For the 2025/2026 school year Parents/guardians can visit to complete this process.  The portal will open at a later date to be determined.  Stay tuned for updates.
Parents/guardians are encouraged to log into the Aeries Parent Portal throughout the year to keep their contact information current and to view student attendance, report cards, and transcripts. Students can use their CUHSD Gmail with their password to access the Aeries Student Portal (same login page as the parent portal).
For directions on how to update contact information in Aeries Parent Portal click here.
For frequently asked questions about how to complete the Data Confirmation Process click here.

Browser Compatibility and Password Reset

You must use Google Chrome as your browser to complete this process. For instructions on how to reset your password, click here. Returning users who have used the portal previously and know their password, click here.


Data Confirmation Process/Aeries Parent Portal Step-by-Step Instructions 



Data Confirmation Process/Aeries Parent Portal Video Tutorial


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Thank you for updating your student's information!

Please feel free to provide feedback regarding this process by completing our survey.