External Linking Policy
Linking to CUHSD or CUHSD-related Websites
Linking to External Web Sites from CUHSD or CUHSD-related Websites
Whenever CUHSD includes links to external web sites, it shall include a disclaimer that the district is not responsible for the content of external websites. The following text is appropriate: "Campbell Union High School District cannot be responsible for the content or accuracy of external link sites referenced on the District's web pages. External link sites are not supervised by or within the control of CUHSD."
Acceptance Criteria
CUHSD.org may link to federal, state, and local governments that provide information and services that benefit the Campbell Union High School District community. At its discretion, CUHSD may consider links to non-governmental websites that contain information and/or services that further the purpose of CUHSD. Any link suggestion to CUHSD.org must undergo review to determine its relevance and appropriateness with respect to CUHSD. Links are approved for CUHSD based on the following criteria:
- The external website corresponds with the purpose of CUHSD.
- The site's content is appropriate with respect to the purpose of CUHSD and the site is not a:
- Commercial site, which charges a fee for products or services online (exceptions will be made, at the discretion of CUHSD staff, for entities that charge a fee to provide educational content and/or resources for students and teachers);
- Site that exhibits hate, discrimination, pornography, libelous or otherwise defamatory content;
- Site that advocates or promotes the use of alcohol or tobacco;
- Site belonging to or supporting a political party or candidate running for office.
Conditions for Link Maintenance on CUHSD
We require that links to external websites on CUHSD.org meet the following conditions in order to remain on the site:
- The linked site must provide the user with access to an email address and/or a customer service telephone number, in order for users to contact the site if there are any problems.
- Linked sites should not excessively burden the CUHSD customer support system. If the site excessively burdens the CUHSD customer support system, CUHSD has discretion to remove the link from CUHSD.org.
- When a CUHSD site visitor clicks on the external website link, they should have easy access back to CUHSD.org.
- Any linked sites that do not have privacy agreements with CUHSD must have a privacy and security policy accessible from its home page informing the user of what information is collected, how it is collected, and how it is used.
- CUHSD reserves the right to remove approved links if they are inaccurate or inactive, or at any time violate any of these requirements. External links will be reviewed periodically to ensure that they remain up-to-date, accurate, and appropriate.