Intradistrict Transfers

What is an Intradistrict Transfer?

An Intradistrict Transfer allows students residing within the CUHSD boundaries to apply to attend a different school within the district other than their designated home school.

  • Designated Home School: The address of your residency determines your student’s assigned home school. Use the School Locator Locator to determine your home school.
  • Enrollment for New Residents: New residents to CUHSD must enroll for their home school based on their address before submitting transfer applications.
  • Residency Requirements: Residency is established by living at an address for at least 50% of the time on a permanent basis. Only one address is considered for residency verification. *Verifications of home address are performed upon entry to CUHSD, per Board policies BP 5111.1 & AR 5111.1. Falsification of information may revoke the transfer request.

  • Notification: You will receive an email notification with the decision. If denied, it is due to lack of space.
  • Transportation: Per Board Policy 5116.1 in general, the district shall not be obligated to provide transportation for students who attend school outside their attendance area.  However, upon parent/guardian request, the district shall provide transportation assistance to any student who is eligible for free or reduced-price meals and whose enrollment in a district school outside the student's attendance area is a result of being a victim of bullying. (Education Code 46600)
  • Withdrawal: Withdrawal nullifies the transfer, and a new request must be submitted upon return.
  • Per Board Policy, if space becomes available during the annual attendance audit at the onset of each school year, CUHSD will hold a lottery and begin contacting families. Previously denied requests will be held until the lottery or end of September, whichever comes first.
  • All unapproved requests expire at the end of each September. You will need to reapply during the new transfer request window period if you wish to try again for the next school year.
  • Reversal : If you wish to return to your original resident school after your transfer approval, a new transfer request must be submitted indicating a “Reversal”.
Intradistrict Application Process
2025-26 School Year: Applications are accepted from December 1, 2024, to January 31, 2025.
*Notifications: Decisions will be emailed by the first week of April. Early submissions will be returned.
  • Remaining at Current School After Moving: If moving outside CUHSD boundaries, initiate an InterdistrictTransfer. If moving within CUHSD but outside current school boundaries, initiate an Intradistrict Transfer.
  • Submitting Multiple Requests: Only one transfer request can be submitted at a time.
  • Free Zone: Certain residents can request transfers during the open window, depending on site capacity.
  • Emails from Homeschool: Attend home school events until transfer decisions are finalized.
  • Chances of Approval: Transfers depend on site and program capacity. Include a letter if there are special circumstances.
  • Notification Timeline: Decisions are sent by the April 15th. Please do not contact the District Office before April 21st for status updates.

If denied, you can appeal the decision by emailing the Assistant Superintendent of Education Services-Administrative Assistant Christina Kaline at [email protected] for a review meeting. The decision from the review is final.

Frequently Asked Questions