Salaries & Benefits
Campbell Union High School District offers a competitive salary schedule and comprehensive benefits package to all employees serving a 50% or greater position.
Benefit plans include choices of medical plans, vision, and dental coverage. The benefit costs are posted below with the salary schedules. Additional information on plans can be found at CUHSD also offers the Concern Health Employee Assistance Program.
Salaries & Benefits At-a-Glance (CURRENT)
Certificated / CHSTA
Certificated Management | Classified / CSEA |
Classified Management
CACE | Classified /SEIU | |
Salary Schedules
Benefits |
Delta Dental
VSP (Vision)
Health Summary |
Health, vision, and dental benefits begin on the first of the month following enrollment in a plan. Enrollment options are available within two weeks of your start date.
Please note that if you choose to participate in health, vision, and/or dental benefits and are required to contribute to the premium, your contribution will be deducted starting with your first paycheck.
* Placement on the certificated teacher salary schedule:
- Column placement is determined by the number of semester units completed after receipt of a bachelor’s degree. Quarter units (2/3 of a semester unit) are converted to semester units for salary placement.
- A maximum of 75 units will be granted at the time of hire. A maximum of one column advancement may be made each year unless all of the units are earned while on an approved leave. Original transcripts must be submitted to Human Resources no later than September 10th each year.
- Step placement for certificated employees on the Campbell High School Teachers Association salary schedule is determined by verified years of full-time certificated service. A maximum credit of 13 years of experience may be granted at the time of hire.
Recent Files
Senior Management (Executive Cabinet) and Superintendent Salary Schedules
Additional Files