Off Campus CTE Offerings - SVCTE
Juniors and Seniors can take advantage of a magnet program that offers CTE opportunities. Silicon Valley Career Technical Education (SVCTE) is a Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) high school program offering 23 courses (16 of which are UC “a-g” approved). State-of-the art programs are taught by industry professionals who engage students in rigorous, real-world academics and skills development designed to support success through college and future careers. Students earn 30 high school credits and college credits through hands-on training.
Students attend half-days on the SVCTE campus and half-days at their home high schools for a semester or an entire school year. Free busing is available, or students may drive or be transported to the campus on their own.
SVCTE serves high school students from 32 high schools within the six JPA school districts. Classes are designed specifically for high schools students; adults may register on a space-available basis only.
View the SVCTE website to learn more about this program.